Fancy a new book to read?
Don’t forget there’s the library, free for users with an online service available too.
You can search to see what books, ebooks and audio books are available at
There’s also a fabulous selection of new cookery books – a great way to get inspired and try recipes.
Books can be ordered to Barnoldswick library from anywhere in the county or country for just £1 (free for children). If the book is quite specialist or brand new and not yet available through the library, you can request it at
Skipton library also has a brilliant collection of jigsaws to borrow (for just 50p), with a wide variety of sizes, difficulty levels and pictures. Pop in for a look – you don’t need a library card. They are also very grateful of any donations of jigsaws you’ve done and may not want any more! All jigsaws are checked by volunteers before being loaned out to make sure there are no pieces missing.