Barnoldswick florists

Looking for florists in Barnoldswick? Local people who live in Barlick have put together a helpful list of Barnoldswick florists.

If you can't find what you're after in this list of florists but know of one - either in Barnoldswick itself or nearby - you can hit add florists to the Barnoldswick A to Z - your knowledge and help will be appreciated. Thank you to all the local florists experts who have contrbuted so far.

florists in Barnoldswick


Hannah Maybury

Freelance florist: wedding and event floristry 07508 337680 facebook: Hannah Maybury florist instagram: Hannah Maybury Florist

Val Kenyon Flowers and Gifts

Wedding & event floristry by freelance florist Hannah Maybury (Formerly Val Kenyon Flowers and Gifts, Ribblesdale Buildings, Gisburn Road, Barnoldswick ...

House of Flowers

Florist on the town square run by Melissa and John. Local delivery available. 2 Frank Street, Barnoldswick, BB18 5AE 01282 ...
