Barnoldswick cafés
Looking for cafés in Barnoldswick? Local people who live in Barlick have put together a helpful list of Barnoldswick cafés.
If you can't find what you're after in this list of cafés but know of one - either in Barnoldswick itself or nearby - you can hit add cafés to the Barnoldswick A to Z - your knowledge and help will be appreciated. Thank you to all the local cafés experts who have contrbuted so far.
cafés in Barnoldswick
Just Another Cup
Just Another Cup is a cafe based in Barnoldswick with eat in or takeaway service. Seating available inside and in ...
details ESSE Factory Cafe
Cafe in the grounds of the ESSE stove foundry, by the Leeds and Liverpool canal Ouzledale Foundry, Long Ing, Barnoldswick ...
details McCullough’s
Bar and restaurant within Barnoldswick Music & Arts Centre 18 - 22 Rainhall Road, Barnoldswick BB18 5AF 01282 813374
details Frank Street Coffee House
Coffee house and take away with outside seating in Barnoldswick town centre 12 Newtown, Barnoldswick, BB18 5UQ 01282 816091
details cafés